Personalized Mentorship, Therapeutic Support & Guidance for Your Self-Love Journey.

Self-Love Coaching is offered as part of the Ultimate Self-Love Toolkit: a full spectrum system to navigate your journey to Ultimate Self-Love.


self-love myths
does this sound like you?
  •  “There is so much hurt, anger and chaos in the world right now – mine is not important.”
  • “I have to reach a certain goal or level of success (“get a promotion” “achieve__” “lose weight”, in order to truly be worthy of love.”
  • “I would feel better about myself if_____ (I had a better job, I had more money, I had a partner, I looked more like___.”
  • “I often feel powerless or paralyzed when I think of self-improvement.”
  • “People wouldn’t love me if they knew who I really was.”
  • “I had a not-great childhood and I don’t feel I will ever break free from it.”
  • “I am haunted by my past, and I always will be.”
  • “I give most of my energy and love to my: ___ (kids, job, partner, community) I don’t have any left to invest in myself.”

These are the roadblocks to self-love.

This is your map.

the roadmap to self-love and the 5 virtues you will cultivate
The Roadmap is a visual representation of the sacred journey that you will take to achieving ultimate self-love.

On your journey you will make your way through 5 steps or essential ‘virtues’ – each virtue assigns its own unique tools and exercises to help you navigate the path.

the 1st virtue of self-love is self awareness and acceptance
Self-Awareness & Acceptance

True understanding and genuine self- love is made manifest through the act of accepting yourself as you are. Learn to appreciate the unique gifts, strengths and areas of vulnerability that is you. Engage in self-love practices that support your ability to see yourself with nonjudgmental, yet discerning eyes.

the 2nd virtue of self-love is forgiveness

Within you there are opportunities to reach a higher state of awareness and to experience greater confidence and self- worth. Forgiveness is freeing. Developing self-love reaches a stalemate when you carry the pain of past situations. Use these simple tools to identify and remove barriers; and to find freedom in your self-forgiveness.

the 3rd virtue of self-love is compassion and kindness
Self-Compassion & Kindness

Learn to direct the same patience, understanding and kindness that you extend to others - within. Cultivate practices that nurture your confidence, experience self-gratitude, and access your wisdom; as you pursue your highest heart-healing and self-love potential. The tools will help you to develop regular self-care rituals and how to carve out time to focus on self-nourishment and to care for yourself.

the 4th virtue of self-love is self-reflection

All of the wisdom of the universe exists as a divine spark within, connecting you to all that is. Acknowledge your innate wisdom as the source of your innate truth and authentic power. Connecting with this inner wisdom is integral in the mission to manifest self-love. Use the toolkit to support the practice of self-reflection as your opportunity to witness this sacred spark. Learn to trust your inner wisdom as a guide in your journey to ultimate self-love.

the 5th virtue of self-love is self-appreciation

True self-love is achieved with reverence for all that you are. As you connect with your authentic power, your understanding of self and your role in the greater mysteries of life, will unlock a love that empowers you to manifest a life that you desire. Add self-care rituals to your life and document your progress. This supports you, as you cultivate greater self-appreciation and self-love.

the ultimate self-love toolkit product shot
what's in the kit:

The Self-Love Toolkit includes:

33 Minute Self-Love Coaching Session
+ Ongoing Support to Help You navigate Your Journey
5 Custom Self-Love Meditations
50 Page Guidebook to Ultimate Self-Love
10 Page Self-Care Guide
1 Self-Love Inventory Quiz
2 Self-Care Ritual Wheels
6 Pages of Self-Care Ritual Guidance
1 Habit Tracking Tool
2 Journal Writing Exercises
Self-Love Rx Mantra and Affirmation Cards
+ Bonus Offerings

5 reasons to invest in your self-love journey

Nourish Yourself with Love

With self-love, you nourish and grow self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. You easily feel authentic happiness; and you hold the belief that you are deserving of all that you desire.

xo Dorothy

10 pages of self-care rituals, remedies, insight and guidance

Two lovingly crafted artful high quality printable affirmation cards featuring: 1 card each from the forthcoming ‘Manifesting Mantras’ and ‘Self-Love Rx’ Oracle and Affirmation Card Decks. Print them out and frame them, stick them on your fridge, or set them as wallpaper, they are perfect for a daily visual reminder to practice daily self-love, and as a focus during meditation and/or journal writing. 

Journal Prompts

The Self-Love Toolkit includes two unique, printable therapeutic writing exercises. Both offering key prompts and thoughtful questioning to act as a catalyst and touchstone throughout your self-love journey. Self-Love Rx: 5 Minutes of Loving-Kindness: A love-boosting daily journal writing practice and Confidence Rx: A journal tool elevate your confidence and to witness your inner wisdom rise up. 

The Self-Care Guide

The Self-Care wheel features 44 rituals and practices to build self-love in the 6 key areas of your life.

Self-Care Inventory: illuminate which key areas of your life need more attention and love.

The Habit Tracker: Use The Habit Tracker printable calendar to catalogue your journey.

The Self-Care Canvas: Create your own self-love rituals and self-care practices.

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Get the Ultimate Self-Love Toolkit with Coaching

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Please answer a few questions below to help guide your self-love coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are 'Wisdom Tools'?

Sacred Offerings. Curated Healing Practices. Tools for Transformation. Meditations, Activations, Remedies, Rituals & Sacred Strategies to ignite and align your inner power so you can manifest what you need most. Each Wisdom Tools Bundle is a roadmap to access your Highest Self; meticulously designed to facilitate resilience, renewal, growth, and transformation across the key pillars of optimal wellbeing. Lovingly provisioned to provide the skills, strategy, and sustenance you need to cultivate greater fulfillment and joy.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing your Self-Love Toolkit and Your Self-Love Coaching, You may proceed with filling out the intake form below, followed by completion and submission of The Self-Care Inventory (download here)

Dorothy will connect with you directly to review your assessment and schedule your coaching session.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! The Self-Love Toolkit comes with an introductory coaching session, should you wish to book further sessions to support you on your journey - you are welcome to do so directly with Dorothy.