Day 1: Self-Awareness IS Self-Knowledge

"Introspection and the willingness to live self-aware is how you become attuned to your authentic self."

Thank you for joining me here. Welcome to day one of the sacred teachings of being love.

*What follows is the audio script so that you may read as you listen to this day's sacred teaching. Please begin the audio of day one when you are ready.๐Ÿ’œ

We begin with an inward journey and a most important practice that guides you into yourself.

Self-awareness is both a cognitive process of observation and an inner contemplation to evoke divine truth and wisdom.

Through mindfulness attention, self-observation and self-awareness and in the presence of complete honesty, you witness the true aspects of yourself ~ as a human being and a being of love.

"Love has no bounds."

You become aware and awake out of a desire to understand and know yourself.

As a first sacred teaching in this course, self-awareness is exploration. It is curiosity, insight, and revelation.


Self-awareness is a continual and ever-present witnessing of all of what you are ~ and of your sacred truth and the discoveries that open you to clear and present knowing.

Through mindful attention, self-observation and being wholly honest and truthful, you discover so much. Through these actions of awareness you live awake.

As we begin, consider that the knowledge that you gain here, guides your positive action and aligns you with your highest self (the aspect of you that is eternal).

In self-observation in the present moment, you gain insight and knowledge into all that you are.

To be self-aware is to witness yourself through your senses, as you walk though life and in the moment by moment choices that you make.

With the knowledge that you learn and discover about yourself, and as you continue to be aware and attentive in your life, you bring this awareness with you into day two and to the practice of self-acceptance.

โ€œThrough self-awareness and introspection you observe the true nature of what you are. You are love in action.โ€

In this dayโ€™s lesson we begin with a practice that leads you into the heart of what you are ~ and to observe your infinite nature as a being of love.

My hope is that you will allow yourself the experience of self-awareness; that you embrace self-awareness as how you wake up into your life and as you make the self-discoveries that open you to liking and loving yourself ~ and to embrace what change you seek. All of this is to reveal to yourself more as you move along a path into wholeness.

How will you practice self-awareness with whole honesty as you witness and reveal all of yourself ~ and as you honour all parts of you as beautiful and divine?

Your confidence grows as you are willing to see all of yourself in the highest integrity of self-honesty.

To be self-aware, illuminates everything.

Self-awareness offers infinite wisdom and a source for learning and self-improvement. It is the mechanism for living as your infinite self โ€“ your greatness.

What you reveal in self-awareness affirms that you ~ the perfect essence of what you are ~ is divine love.

Self-awareness is the first step to self-actualization and your ability to pursue and live your greatest potential.

Your confidence flourishes as you continue to learn about and know yourself best and as you grow and pursue living as your highest self ~ you as love in action.

In self-awareness you find peace. It is through awareness of peace that you cultivate joy.

Joy exists in the present moment. Boundless joy exists when you are a gentle observer in the presence of now.

As we begin this practice of self-awareness, close your eyes for a time and soften into your breath.

Please join me for a few moments right here ~ in the gentle inhalation and exhalation of breath ~ and as you find presence in this moment.

Exist in your gentle nature. There is nothing more that is needed than to be attentive; to be aware of your experience. In the silence that follows now, notice what you are aware of.

Take in the present moment. What does it feel like to be in the space and time of now ~ to witness in the presence of a quiet mind and open to what you observe? Notice your experience.

Doing so acts as a reminder of what you are capable of and of what 'is' each time that you return to now.

The certainty with which you experience and know yourself, coupled with the highest integrity of self-honesty, illuminates everything.

Self-awareness radiates who you are in this present moment.

In your unearthing of what you discover, you have the propensity to feel self-love and to decide what you will continue to be ~ and what will change and transform based on the needs and desires you hold.

In the infinite wisdom that rises up when you honor your ability to discover and learn about yourself, you naturally seek a path that reveals your true nature and what brings you wholeness.

The rest of your life may be enjoyed in the exploration of all that you are ~ and to seek and realize your fullest potential as a being of love.

As you discover what aspects of yourself are most important to thrive, and as you practice greater self-care and self-love including the words that you speak inside your mind; you discover a newfound presence of will and strength that comes with knowing your potential, your possibility, your worth.

Self-awareness is a source for learning and self-improvement.

It is the mechanism for living as your spiritual self.

Be willing to see yourself with complete honesty and without judgment.

This is how you discover all that you are.

When you open your heart and mind willingly, great wisdom abounds.

Be self-aware in the chosen moments that you hold presence to. Seek to live awake. Observe your thoughts without engaging in them; rather as a means of being self-aware and to discover what drives how you feel and your actions.

Notice your emotions by calling them to you and being willing to explore deeper.

For example, as you ask the question of yourself: What do I feel? this leads you into the conscious question: How do I want to feel? and the thoughts that will inspire your desired feelings.

โ€œSelf-awareness is self-knowledge. With it, you awaken. Be in reflection of yourself as an observer ~ attentive to the inner most sacred tendencies of your heart experienced as oneness with you.โ€

- dorothy ratusny

In this dayโ€™s experiential teaching, you discover the Five Questions that help you observe and contemplate who and what you are.

Let your use of these questions help you practice the art of self-reflection for truth-seeking and to enhance self-awareness.

Please feel free to pause this lesson here to give yourself additional time to contemplate and record your answers. If you wish, you may also print the pdf of these questions as a helpful guide as you proceed.

As we begin, you may first wish to direct your attention inward, and to close your eyes.

If your eyes are open, gently focus on something of interest and beauty that is in your field of view or what you take in with your senses.

You may use any or all of these questions at any time to practice self-awareness.

The idea is to be alone with yourself to observe in the absence of judgment what you are aware of as a means of learning and discovering all that you are.

The First Question of Self-Awareness:

What am I most aware of in this moment?

For example, what do you notice of your breath? ~ of your posture? of your presence?

Remember to observe with curiosity and openness. Take in all that you notice. Consider what is new ~ what you have not observed before.

Return to your breath often. Allow your breath to help you still your focus.

What are you aware of in this moment? You may choose to answer aloud for your ears to hear your words. You may pause the recording here to write your answers.

Notice what is new. What you have not observed before? If you become distracted, return to your breath. Practice holding focus unto you breathing and notice what you become aware of.

(Let go if you are holding any resistance. Release into your exhalation. With each inhalation, hold presence in this moment.)

A practical tool for self-awareness is breath. Use breath to draw in your awareness of the present moment; to take in through your senses what you observe ~ from within and of your surroundings.

This is a practice of witnessing ~ of being present unto yourself ~ to what you feel, to your thoughts, and as you hold presence of your experience in each moment ~ for a time, and also as you witness your inner wisdom and the voice of your highest self.

With your attention in the present and in a posture of stillness, you experience โ€˜what isโ€™. This is how you observe all that you are, and to know what you need.

*Notice many things ~ the movement in your chest and your belly, a fleeting feeling or a general mood, sounds, and also physical sensations.

For example, what do you notice in your body as you breathe? Be an observer. Take in your experience of each breath. Take everything in as you observe with open awareness of โ€˜what isโ€™.

A Second Question to ask is: How do I feel?

Your feelings can be best described using single word descriptors. (For example: happy, sad, content, peaceful, anxious, hopeful, relaxed.) As you go within, sense your feelings.

How you feel is an important means of how you identify your experience in the here and now. To identify how you feel allows you the insight to give yourself what you need.

Sometimes you will want to explore what you feel and to understand from where these feelings originate. Other times, it will be adequate simple to identify how you feel. Observe your feelings with curiosity and acceptance.

To be self-aware is to witness your emotions in the space of what they are and in full acceptance of what they reveal.

Here again, you may wish to speak aloud what you feel as you answer the question and to hold presence with what you feel for a time. As you hear your words and as you bring life to what you feel, you validate yourself in this moment and beyond.

Take a moment if you wish to pause the recording here to write your feelings on paper.

The Third Question: What are my thoughts?

To observe your thoughts is to understand the very important way that you choose to live.

To ask: โ€˜What am I thinking?โ€™ is an important tool of self-observation. Your thoughts and perceptions are what determine how you feel.

To be self-aware and mindful of your thoughts will always inform you. It will offer insight into your present state of being. Your body reacts to all that you tell yourself as if it were true.

To be aware of your thoughts liberates you to choose the thoughts that you want to have ~ and to know that how you feel and the choices that you make in each moment are derived from what you tell yourself and believe.

To observe your thoughts will guide you into the present moment. Here you can choose what thoughts you will hold that bring you the greatest source of happiness. For example, โ€œI can choose my happinessโ€ is a thought that reminds you of the power of your free will.

Something that you can begin to do as you observe your thinking, is to question or challenge the thoughts that cause you unwanted emotions.

For example, are my thoughts absolutely or 100% true and accurate? This question challenges you to reframe what thoughts are not accurate nor valid.

This is how you may change how you feel. Without self-awareness to assess your thoughts, you continue along a path that impacts how you feel, even when your thoughts and the perceptions you hold may not be entirely accurate.

Awareness gives you the power to choose the accuracy of your thoughts and how you feel.

Self-awareness predicts your life. It fosters the development of what you choose in this moment and the next.

As you choose your experiences and your thoughts and feelings, you build a momentum of confidence to live in the certain wonder of life as a co-creator.

Being self-aware is the example of observing your thoughts and feelings in the present moment.

In the present, as you observe with pure awareness, you can choose your experiences; first with attention to your breath in the present moment and to your existing thoughts, and then as you choose what thoughts will empower and unleash the greatest possibilities for yourself and your life ~ as you choose to live as love in all moments.

As we close out the experiences of these sacred questions, ask the Fourth Question as you first return to your breath.

Begin with a soothing inhalation and a complete release and letting go, as your body exhales breath.

You may wish to pause this recording here to note your answers for these last two questions.

Allow your focus to be unto your breath for several breath cycles. Each breath cycle is one inhalation and exhalation.

The Fourth Question: What is my experience as I hold presence in this moment?

Give your answer a voice. Say your words aloud.

The Fifth Question: What do I need in this moment?

Let your inner wisdom guide you. Know your needs so that you can give these to yourself.

Use your skills of self-awareness to offer presence, to return to your breath often and to expand your consciousness.

Self-awareness is a tool of enlightenment.

Self-awareness is how you hold presence. It is how you experience your nature as love, as wonderment, as joy ~ and as peace.

Each time you hold presence in now ~ as you witness breath with pure awareness; as you take in life and the existence of all that you are, you experience your true state of being ~ separate from the thoughts of your mind. Your inner presence is the eternal aspect of you.

This is how you come to experience your highest self ~ your soul consciousness ~ as your beautiful nature and as the eternal perfection of what you are.

โ€œAwareness evokes living awake to all that you are.โ€

Make the connection between all of the present moments of your life and how you may choose to be love in action.

For the next several moments, align with your breath.

In the experience of each breath, engage in the presence of what you witness. Your breath leads you into the present moment. From here you observe. You come to life with all that you are aware of.

Awareness in the presence of honesty is how you come to discover all that you are and all that you desire to be.

Decide the pace of your breathing. Decide the depth of each breath. Notice what the mind brings as thoughts and images ~ and what the body expresses as you are gently still.

As you focus on your breathing this will require your full attention. Allow the mind to drift unto what you notice first within you body as you gently scan the bodyโ€™s surface and as you choose to hold your attention and awareness deeper still.

Be aware of just breath. Next, include awareness of thoughts, felt sensations and ideas you observe, noticing what information and sensory awareness is right here.

Self-awareness is a lot like this. You become the observer of yourself in the present moment as you interact with others and as you are alone.

Itโ€™s like witnessing your breath. All of your attention is on observing as you are ~ in whatever you are doing to the fullest expression of this.

We use breath to guide our attention into the present and then to expand our awareness to what we notice both within our body and mind, and outward into the world that we live in.

Breath is what helps you experience the present moment. It moves you out of a state of thinking and doing into being and self-observation.

The act of being present to your breath ~ to your breathing ~ to this and each moment is how you become practiced in which to live the moments of your life.

To practice self-awareness you must return to the present moment. From here, you gain perspective as you hold witness to what you notice.

There is nothing to โ€˜doโ€™ ~ only be.

Itโ€™s akin to an experience where you are walking up a flight of stairs and you notice your mind is thinking about something other than walking.

Your attention is then quickly redirected as you now notice that you are off balance and your reflexes take over as you calibrate balance and reach for the handrail to pull yourself back to center.

You brought your attention away from a thought ~ and into the present moment as you were aware of your balance being off-center.

This help you re-calibrate your balance in the present.

The practice of self-awareness is how you live awake. It is how you experience yourself in the present moment.

Here, you are able to discern what adjustments you need to live in congruence with what is most important ~ here and now.

A practical approach to learn self-awareness is to set an alarm on your phone to be heard once each hour. When your alarm goes off, bring your attention to your breath ~ for a few cycles of breathing to experience presence in this moment. Then, notice what else enters your awareness.

In this practice, you observe with open awareness and in the absence of judgment. Simply take in what you witness through your senses. You may wish to go deeper within yourself, to witness the presence of your inner being and the wisdom of your highest self.

This wisdom renders itself as an intuitive expression heard in the softness of your inner voice. Different from the constant thoughts of your mind, your inner wisdom is gentle, quiet, and calm.

In self-awareness, you come to discover all that you are. Begin a daily practice of inner awareness and self-contemplation.

Go within to listen, to observe, to be with yourself ~ to be in the moments of now and the experience of eternity ~ all here ~ in the presence of this moment and the next.

The practice of a few moments of self-awareness each hour whether for a day or several days will help you establish a mindfulness practice as something that you can begin to do at regular intervals throughout your day and as you need to step away for a moment in stressful situations and simply observe.

To observe with a mindfulness practice and as you witness your breath will always offer perspective and give you choices for what you do.

Conscious or mindfulness breathing reveals so much. Trust it to also be a tool for bringing your attention โ€“ your focus โ€“ into the present moment, where you may choose what will be next.

As you observe further, let your senses guide you deeper into yourself. Be with your breath. Take in what you experience.

Let this be a simple and direct path of insight, pure awareness and self-discovery.

To ask these five questions helps you to gain greater insight and to contemplate further what you are now aware of.

As you live self-aware and as you are observant to the many wonders that you uncover, notice how this changes your perspective ~ and how it opens to you greater compassion that you hold of yourself.

To be self-aware is to live in the conscious presence of your truth and the certain and distinct knowledge that what you love most about the many privileges you hold ~ is your immediate reflection in them of yourself.

Be attentive in the wonder that exists in your life ~ in what each breath opens you to and in the dignity of inward reflection as you seek to know and discover all of you ~ in the certain perfection of this moment ~ of each moment.

With mindfulness and formal meditation as tools that train your focus and as you soften into the presence of what you witness, self-awareness is how you live awake to all that you are ~ and to the light of your soul.

As you continue to reflect on all that you are aware of and as you witness the present moment fully, you awaken.

Use your attention to your breath in the present moment with your eyes closed and for the next several moments, observe your inner world ~ and this vast infinite wonder within you.

What do you witness in the awareness of yourself, here in the present moment?

What do you know to be your truth?

Can you feel the inner workings of your heart, in expression with you?

How do you experience your intuitive self?

How may you activate a state of love from within as you remain open to witness all of life? ~ to all of what you are? ~ and as you are of pure awareness and presence?

To be self-reflective and self-aware is how you learn. It is your willingness to see yourself with eyes wide open and self-honest that you will always see and know truth.

Your ability to reflect and see yourself as you are will teach you the important underpinnings of your personality and your nature.

Self-awareness will always guide you to the thoughts and beliefs that do not serve you living as your highest self and how you may experience yourself as a spiritual being.

โ€œIt is through self-awareness and the knowledge that we hold of ourselves that we discover who we have the potential to be.โ€

- dorothy ratusny

In contemplative awareness you bring presence to this moment and experience it fully.

In awareness, you are present to all that is in this moment; in each moment.

In the present, as you hold awareness here, there is only peace and tranquility.

In your practice of self-awareness you discover the deeper truths of your heart, your inner state of being and the eternity of each moment experienced fully.

My hope for you as you begin this journey into yourself is that this first dayโ€™s experience of self-awareness becomes the resilient foundation of your daily habits ~ and that your ritual of self-awareness will always offer insight and truth that guides you with precision, into all of the moments of your life and to all that you need.

With self-knowledge you affirm your power to choose how you will live; what thoughts will be of grace and kindness, and what actions will build the life that you want.

Self-awareness is the key to self-knowledge, self-affirming insight and the freedom of your conscious choice.

Enjoy the playful experience of being self-aware and attentive to your whole being ~ to your experiences and to the present moment. This is how you begin your inward journey and what reveals so much.

In the regular and ongoing practice of self-awareness and kind observation of both your physical and spiritual self, you notice the connection you hold to your certainty as love.

As a further note to your own journal writing practice, you may wish to record the insights and observations that you notice as you hold awareness in the perfection of each moment (and as you invite your inner being ~ your authentic nature as love in action ~ into the presence of now.)

You may choose to revisit this dayโ€™s teaching again and as you hone your ability to be self-aware in the practice of spiritual love.

Then, when you are ready to do so, please continue onto day two where we explore the sacred teaching of self-acceptance.

I look forward to joining you in this next aspect of your beautiful journey. ๐Ÿ’œ

โ€œThrough self-awareness and introspection you observe the true nature of what you are. You are love in action.โ€

When you are ready to journey onward into Day 2 and The Sacred Teaching of Self-Acceptance. I will be there waiting for you!

Thank you so much!



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